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Call Us At (405) 324-2179 For A Consultation

What is microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing procedure done to create a fuller, more natural looking brow. This specialized technique is performed using a small hand held blade to create precise strokes that imitate the look of actual brow hairs. 


Who is a good candidate?

Any individual who wants to wake up with perfect brows. It is great for those who don't have time to do their makeup, have naturally sparse brows, or are looking for more color and definition. Those with oily or thin skin may not be a candidate for microblading and may be better suited for powder brows.


How long does it last?

The longevity of this procedure varies for every individual. Please schedule a consult or call for more information.


Cost is $550 and includes a 6 week touch up. 


*Consult is required before booking a procedure*

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